Happy Tuesday 😍

Good Morning everyone! I hope that case of the Monday’s wasn’t too bad for you. Well folks, today is day 5 of my Plexus Journey and I am still feeling great. I feel lighter and am finally more regular! Lately I had trouble sleeping through the night and was starting to get exhausted; but here I am five days in and sleeping ALL the way through the night. When researching Plexus I came across a few testimonies that claimed Plexus helped them create a more consistent sleep schedule and aided in insomnia. I thought maybe that was a little over the top, at first, and now I believe it’s just one of the many benefits of Plexus! 

Time to “weigh” in. I finally have a base weight for my weight loss journey…*drumroll please*… 165.3.  Now, I know that doesn’t sound like a lot and yes I have weighed more at previous times in my life. However, when I was over that weight I didn’t go about losing the weight the healthy way. Since my parents started using Plexus I have watched them literally transform infront of my eyes. They would talk about Plexus with such a passion and started doing amazing things that 50 year olds just don’t ever do! My mom took up running and now runs marathons. My dad decided to do it all. He bikes, he runs, he swims, and he can still beat you at a game of one on one basketball! How’s that sound for your 50’s?! Needless to say, it got me interested in seeing what Plexus could do for me in maintains a healthy lifestyle. 

On a health note our Pinterest Paleo lunch that we talked about on Sunday is so delicious! I had my first Cobb salad yesterday and I am definitely going to keep that recipe in my back pocket. Please feel free to share your experiences with any of the recipes I share here so we can all learn together. I look forward to finding more recipes to try out this weekend! Y’all have a great week and Happy Tuesday! 

XoXo πŸ’œ Jana

*today’s picture is from Lighthouse Country Club in Kingsland, Texas. My fiancΓ© I swear must be the grass whisperer! He can grow grass anywhere.

Plexus information: 


The joys of the weekend!Β 

Although weekends should be full of rest and relaxation they tend to end with us running errands, cleaning the house, and whatever else we feel compelled to do during our two short days of not having to be at work! I know that’s not the case for everyone though and sometimes you don’t even know when your next day off will be. I have been there before, so I know I can’t complain about having a weekend! My point? Why don’t we make it a priority to take a little time for ourselves everyday? Even if just for an hour, find something you love to do and pursue it! Let your creativity flow. 

For me, it’s food prep on Sunday’s! It’s my happy place. This week’s Paleo lunch was inspired by Pinterest. 

Here’s the link: http://www.paleorunningmomma.com/paleo-chicken-cobb-salad-whole30/

I will be substituting organic Honey Mustard for the Buffalo Ranch just for personal taste, but if you make it the way the recipe calls for let me know how it turns out! Following a Paleo diet is easier for me by eating 3 full meals a day and “grazing”throughout the day. However, you never want to feel stuffed. Just full and satisfied. My “grazing” snacks for this week include: pink lady apples, carrots, and cucumbers. My daily food/supplement intake looks like this: 

  • Coffee with creamer 
  • Plexus Slim and 2 Biocleanse
  • 2 eggs with either bacon or sausage
  • Morning snack: sliced pink lady apple
  • Late morning snack: sliced cucumber 
  • Lunch: Paleo Cobb Salad with organic Honey Mustard
  • Afternoon snack: handful of baby carrots raw. 
  • Dinner: lean protein and a vegatable (for example: sirloin steak and asparagus)
  • 2 Biocleanse and 2 Probio5
  • Dessert: sliced peach 

*remeber to drink plenty of water! You never want to feel thirsty, so drink up! *

Today is day three of my Plexus Journey  and I can feel a difference already! I am not as bloated and my stomach feels flatter! Day two was also fabulous! Thanks to plexus I had enough energy to keep up and hike over a mile at the beautiful Inks Lake State Park. The park is such a good way to have a relaxing time away from life and get unplugged!  I am looking forward seeing what more Plexus has in store for My family! If you want more information about the park please see the link below!

XOXO πŸ’œ Jana

Inks Lake State Park: 

Plexus Information: 
